The biggest impact factor for a colleague's amount of impact, is the speed and clarity of their onboarding. That's why numerous dedicated apps exist for on- and even pre-boarding. We'll take those phases apart here.
PR, Recruitment & application
Yes, your onboarding does not just start when you hired someone. It starts when people learn about your company. What is the story you want potential recruits (and for that matter, anyone !) want to understand?
Linkedin, Glassfrog, interviews, your recruitment site (!!! maybe separate heading for this, or maybe link to another chapter actually about recruiting)
After hiring: preboarding
Setting your new employees up for success starts before the actual start date of the contract. At the very least you want your employee to already get familiar with his/her onboarding buddy, which is a role every circle should have. But other clarity inducing activities are:
Being very clear upfront about working hours
Explaining what the first weeks of the employee will look like
Give some videos/articles on your company
Onboarding: the employee owns the process
Onboarding buddy
Not depending on onboarding buddies
Link to transparency by default, and to Documentation chapters