
Standup time: 9:30
  • Short check-in: What is on your mind? 
  • "Call out distractions, get present for the meeting. One person speaks at a time, without discussion. This step is optional, it’s not prescribed by the Holacracy Constitution." 
  • Discuss your agenda:
  • DONE: What were the 2/3 most important actions you completed (for your projects yesterday). Keep it short!
  • TO DO: What are the most important projects / action you will work on today. Keep it short!
Circle creation: 
  • Ad-hoc style: Go stand with the people you think should hear your updates and the other way around. 
  • Request your (holacracy) circle's secretary to plan circle standup ( e.g. Supply planned Tuesday and Thursday ). 
  • It doesn't mean others can't join 
Important notes:
  • It's a Standup not a Scrum!
  • Be on time
  • Take 5/10 mins to prepare, If you have trouble remembering what you have done or what your are going to do
  • Keep it short, assume people know about your project already (do not tell what it is again)
  • Do not report stuff just to give the idea you did work
  • Do not explain the project/project's rationale you are working, just your next action. 
  • Interrupt if someone's update is taking too long 
  • No Phones
  • Keep it energised
  • Make sure you interact with all members of the circle, not just one
  • Listen to what people have to say (do not stare into the void)